Zauderer Associates partners with a manufacturer that specializes in CNC machining of precision plastic parts and plastic injection molded parts. With state-of-art equipment, an experienced workforce and many additional capabilities, you can be sure that your parts will be produced with precision and consistency on time and on budget.
Some Of The Industries We Serve:
Aerospace, Apparel, Boating & Marine, Medical, Military & Defense, Sports & Outdoors, Transportation
CNC Machining
Frequently Asked Questions About CNC Machining
What is CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) Machining?
Computerized Numerical Control Machining, or CNC Machining, is a manufacturing method that uses computer software to control the machine. Tight tolerances and high accuracy can be expected with these sophisticated machines.
What materials can you CNC Machine?
ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Delrin, HDPE, Kydex, Lexan, Nylon, Nylatron, Phenolics, Polycarbonate, Polypropylene, Polystyrene, PVC, Teflon, Torlon, UHMW, Ultem, Non-Ferrous Metals and PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) are maong the material that can be used in CNC machined parts.
What Machines are available?
We have a variety of CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) Machines and other sophisticated engineering machines available. Machining equipment includes (just a sampling) 5 and 3 Axis Hurcos, Robo Drills and Pallet Changers.
What is the best way to bend plastic?
Thermoplastic line bending is an excellent way to bend plastics and is used in several industries. Line bending involves heating a thermoplastic sheet material over a strip heater until it becomes pliable and then bending it to any angle. Formed plastic components can be designed for CNC machining, followed by line bending for precise control of smooth and neat bends. CNC machining and line bending combined allow for precise and quality parts ever time.